Sunday, September 9, 2012

Victoria - Day 4 and 5

Over the past couple of days I've met some very interesting people. People who I can speak candidly with about the de-industrial world we're all headed for. It feels great to be able to speak of these things without having to worry about being attacked. I've also surprised myself with the amount of information I've collected over the past six months or so. I am ready to be an active part of the transition movement.

I also went to the Anarchist Book Fair today, not knowing what to expect, exactly. I stumbled into a two hour presentation on activist filming that was put together by a long time activist and film maker. It opened my eyes to a group of people that I'd always marginalized in the past. I always assumed activists were yokels and crazies. I find I'm identifying with them more and more. One major disagreement I have with activist movements in general is that they are focused too much on trying to change other people's behaviour. I fall firmly in the camp of John Michael Greer's concept that activism must be done at the personal level. I must change my behaviour before I can expect, never mind demand, that others change their lives too.

Today I ran across a homeless man just outside a liquor store. He greeted me, and I didn't hesitate to put three quarters into his palm. He was very polite about it, thanked me kindly, and I went on my way. There is a lot of compassion and empathy within me that I'm really starting to tap in to. On my way back to the hotel, I thought about my decision to go back to work in Winnipeg, and how I would be wasting my time there, exchanging my precious hours for a pay cheque. I thought that if I lived humbly, the money I have saved up from selling my house could support me for many years. I could finally listen to my fucking heart for once instead of my head and do something truly worth while. I often question the use of earning more money from a job I hate, since money is more than likely going to go through some pretty drastic changes in the near future. I don't want to throw another year's worth of work time away into that soulless, God-forsaken office.

R.I.P., uncle. Your soul is free to find its way to the realm beyond.

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